Thursday, March 27, 2008

~ "There"-apy ~

Who needs a shrink, when one has friends?
But so many are indiscriminate, I think,
Between friends and acquaintances.
The difference in the two,
Lies in their willingness
To be "there".
So many people can't or won't do
What it takes to make
It real, or fair.
One-way streets of convenience
Aren't friendships. They're illusion.
And the casual way the word
"Friend" is flung about only adds
To the confusion. I have heard
That said so many times,
But so few ever mean it.
"You're in my thoughts," but they never call.
"Take care," they say, but don't care at all.
And I am NOT a guiltless one.
But at least I make the effort, and try.
Some will act as if they haven't seen it,
Or couch excuses of an all "too busy" life.
But true friends are such a rare gift, and I
Still keep reaching out.
Does that make me a fool for believing?
What then, of "there"apy?
What value or sense, in a "friend's"
Deceiving emptiness, and hollow
Promises which never come to be?
How can you be a "friend"
If you're never, really "there"?
If you never call, or write,
And never reach out?
It's a two-way street,
The door swings both ways.
THAT is what true "friendship"
Is really about.

~ C.L.R. ~ © 2007



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