Thursday, March 27, 2008

Forgiveness, Acceptance and Awareness

Forgiveness, Acceptance and Awareness

I'm learning more about myself with every day which passes. Some things are good, some not so good, but they are all things of which I needed to become aware. I wish that others I know could and would do the same, but when it comes down to it, everyone has to find their own path, their own way in life.

I've discovered that forgiveness and acceptance are both difficult for me. I'm learning a new way of life so that I can incorporate both of these into my character, but it takes time. The aim is 'progress, not perfection'. Each day I try to make more progress, even if it seems small.

Being aware of something isn't enough to change it. It's true that you can't change what you don't acknowledge, but there has to be action to make any changes permanent, lasting. It takes active practice to make something a habit (be it positive or negative).

About Forgiveness - One thing I've learned in life is that people will hurt you. It happens. And people who are hurting, tend to hurt other people. It takes a lot to be able to forgive those who have hurt you in the past, but holding on to anger, resentment and hate toward those people gives them control over your thoughts. Logically, I understand this. But then, emotions aren't logical. I still haven't figured out the key to forgiveness, but I'm working on it.

About Acceptance - I've heard so many times in life that "acceptance is the key to happiness", but no one tells you the key to acceptance. Some say it's "letting go and letting God". Some say it's "taking life as it comes" and not trying to change life to fit your idea of what it should be, but taking "life on life's terms". Again, I still don't know exactly what the answer is, for me personally, but I'm trying.

Life is very hard sometimes and people will hurt you. It takes courage to keep living and keep believing that you can survive whatever terrible things others might do to you. But every new day in which you awaken in the morning and find yourself still breathing, is another day that you have a chance to change...whether it's changing yourself, your attitudes, your behaviors, or what you do with your life that day.

I'm not perfect, but I'm a great person. And all I can be is me. I hope that someday I'll truly be the best 'me' I can be, but it's going to take active practice, each and every day. I hope to be able to become more forgiving and accepting (of both myself and other people). I'm aware and have acknowledged these things I need to work on...and those have been crucial first steps. Action makes it real.



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