Tuesday, March 18, 2008

~ Like Attracts Like ~

I learned something today which I already knew but had never really consciously applied to my life. Now, I'm going to share it with all of you, so that you can ponder on it awhile, and decide what (if anything) it means to YOU.

The energy we create and attract in our lives is made up of 3 things:

1) Thought (which is an increment of energy that can actually be measured)

2) Feelings/Emotions (which "shape" that energy into positive or negative form) and

3) Actions (which are how we "use" that energy in the world)

If ANY of these 3 things is "missing" or not "in sync" with the other 2, we cannot bring what we really want into being, into our lives. It's more than just "the power of positive thinking", although that's part of it.

"Like attracts like". Positive energy attracts positive energy, and the same holds true of negative energy. The universe has MORE than enough to give to ALL of us...and so I am going to make a more conscious effort to "attract" and "create" the life full of light, laughter, love and peace, success and all the other good things I want in life.

It starts with "thought".

NO MORE looking into the rear-view mirror of Life and wondering "what if...?" or mourning the past (which is already gone and cannot be changed, anyway). I am going to consciously CHOOSE to gain everything I have ever wanted in this life.



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