Tuesday, March 18, 2008

~ The Dreamer's Reply ~

As I sat in sullen silence,
pondering Reality's Tale,
a gentle muse came drifting in,
her innocence a subtle veil.

She softly sat beside me
and questioned, "Why so sad, my friend?"
I looked upon her thoughtfully
and replied, "I'm awake, at dreaming's end."

"You've given up on dreaming?
What could cause this hopeless state?"
Her questions begged for answers,
and so I didn't make her wait.

"Reality has been cold to me,"
I said with a shaky voice.
"It made me see that dreamers
have a sad and painful choice."

"No matter the height I set my dreams,
Reality pulls me back to earth.
I want so much to believe in Love,
to know Faith and Hope's true worth."

"But every time I seek these things,
away from me they fly.
I stay aloft on dreamer's wings,
then Reality makes me cry."

"So if all I get is illusions,
then what point is there in belief?
I just want some satisfaction,
and yet all I get is grief."

The muse laid her hand upon my cheek,
and wiped away the tears that fell.
Her voice was kind, compassionate,
as her answer to me she did tell.

"Sweet one," she gently addressed me.
"The point is that you still keep trying.
For every dream of yours that fails,
another one will keep thee flying."

"Ever follow your heart, my friend.
Though it may continue to break,
the rewards that true Love can offer you
are worth the risks you take."

"Always remember that Hope can save,
and Faith can sometimes keep you going.
Though life is hard, and Reality harsher,
take comfort in this truth's knowing."

"Never give up what's important to you.
Dreamers accomplish some great things, you see.
If those Dreamers of the past had given up,
tell me, where would the present world be?"

"It takes such strength to be a Dreamer,
when the rest of the world is cold, it seems.
But it's us that keep the Light alive
so please don't give up on your dreams."

~ C.L.R. ~
© 2004



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