Sunday, March 23, 2008

~ Fool's Lament for the Hanged Man ~

Round and round,
Thoughts lost and found,
And it never, ever ends.
Did I believe that we'd
Really, somehow STAY friends?

Yeah, I did.
More the fool, me, then.

I wish I could erase,
Your precious, sweet face,
From the dreams that never quit.
You've already forgotten me, though,
And left ME to deal with this shit.

And I try.
More the fool, me, then.

So many questions that end
In nothing but silence, my..."friend".
So I have to find closure somehow,
Without your answers,
Which don't matter now.

If they ever did.
More the fool, me, then,
For asking and believing you'd care
Enough to answer.

Your empathy died,
And I guess you just lied,
Because all you are is "talk".
Your actions tell the real truth, though,
And you just don't "walk the walk".

What do YOU know of cold silence?
Or what it does to confidence?
I thought you understood, but no,
You just said what I wanted to hear,
Then you let me go.

Or, rather, pushed me from your life.
More the fool, me, then,
For loving you and believing you cared,
Even then.

Yeah, I was completely "snowed" by you,
Does it feel good to know you used me, too?
Are you happy that you killed this heart?
Or like a sadist,
Ripped my world apart?

Your silence says you are.
More the fool, me, then,
For thinking I EVER mattered.

Stay silent behind your mask, tonight.
And convince yourself you were right.
Cower in the shadow of your ego's star,
And tremble, knowing
That the surface is ALL that you are.

More the fool, me,
For thinking you'll read this
And it will sink in.

~ C.L.R. ~ © 2007



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