Sunday, March 23, 2008

Just random thoughts...

Sometimes I think the world would be a much better place if everyone was born blind. Yeah, I know that society as we know it would probably completely break down. But maybe that's what's needed. If people couldn't see, they would be forced to judge others by what was inside...not led by lust or basing impressions and opinions just on the outer shell.

Gods, what a blow that would be to all the self-centered, egotistical narcissists out there! :) They would all be forced to deal with everyone on a level playing field for once...and be forced to realize that the world did NOT revolve around them...*sigh* Yeah, that would be nice....

* * *

Which leads me to my next thought.

Is there a man out there who honestly doesn't love porn?

I say "honestly", because I know men are all visually stimulated creatures, and most of them will lie to women about it, when asked. But seriously, is there a decent guy out there who would totally give up the fantasy of porn for something real, something deeper, something...*gasp*...meaningful? Such a shallow, superficial pursuit/past-time and soooo many guys addicted to it.

I really have to wonder if there is a guy like that out there, somewhere? And it's even about more than just moral values...really, it's about respect, and whether women are viewed just as sexual objects (even if you call them objects de art, that's a transparent justification for lust). Would any man give up the fantasy for something real?

* * *

Reality is subjective, and it depends on the lens through which we view it. So, how is it, then, that two strangers can subjectively perceive the same thing? We can agree a sky full of thunderheads is a storm waiting to be born, or a chair is a chair, but at what point do they become "real"? When we perceive them through our senses? And once something is perceived...does it then exist? Or did it exist separately and apart from anyone's perception of it? If it's all energy anyway, then why wouldn't it?

*another sigh* I think too freakin' much. Why wonder? Well...because maybe someday...someone will be able to give me some answers. Answers would be nice.



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